Humility is the foundation of all other character traits. Without it, we become boastful, prideful, and self-righteousness.
"The only sure path to humility is through gaining the right perspective. Humility is a natural result of having an accurate view of who God is and having the right perspective of who you are in relation to him. Truly humble people compare themselves not with other people, but only with Christ. They realize their sinfulness and understand their limitations. On the other hand, they also recognize their gifts and strengths and are willing to use them as Christ directs. A truly humble person will surve God in any capacity, even if she doesn't feel particularly gifted in that area." pg. 24Some people think that humility means being a doormat and letting others walk all over you. But that is humiliation, not humility. God loves you and chose you. He wants you to know your strengths and weaknesses and not compare yourself to anyone but Christ. God wants you to use your gifts for Him and be willing to do things He calls you to do. Do not consider yourself more than you are, but don't consider yourself less than you are.
Katie ends day one with a journal activity that I will share here and answer truthfully.
Psalm 103:1-5
Who is God? God is a healer, forgiver of sins, redeemer, mercy giver, renewer.
Who am I in relation to him? I am forgiven, healed, renewed, and redeemed.
How can this understanding help me become humble? I am healed, redeemed, renewed, and forgiven because of Him. I recognize that God has given me a new life and I want to serve Him with it. I am blessed.
Psalm 103: 6-10
Who is God? God is merciful and gracious. He does not hold grudges. He does not punish us for our sins or reward us for our sins.
Who am I in relation to him? I am forgiven for ever! He has poured his mercy and grace upon me. He knows me in love not in anger.
How can this understanding help me become humble? I have done nothing to deserve his forgiveness, yet still he gladly forgives me.
Psalm 103:11-14
Who is God? His mercy is great. He has removed our sins far from us. He pities us and knows us. He remembers that we are only human.
Who am I in relation to him? I am truly forgiven and shown mercy.
How can this understanding help me become humble? God knows I am human and make mistakes, and he won't hold those mistakes against me.
Psalm 103:15-18
Who is God? God is eternal and merciful. He keeps his word to His children.
Who am I in relation to him? I am loved and chosen.
How can this understanding help me become humble? God will always keep His word to us, so we should keep our word to him.
Psalm 103:19-22
Who is God? God is ruler of all. His angels do His work.
Who am I in relation to him? God sends His angles to help me.
How can this understanding help me become humble? God sends his love and help to me. He is my helper and I will do his good works with His help.
Tomorrow we will talk about pride, one of the strongholds of humility.
Hi! I found you through Candy's site. Just wanted to let you know that I am a Navy wife also, also from So. Cal.
Nice to "meet" you!
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